My Dad

Created by lewisandrew506 5 years ago

Dad, wasn't just my Dad but also,a much loved Husband, Father,Grandfather,Brother, Brother in Law, Uncle and Friend.As a Father to both my brother and I, he was always there for the both of us, to offer words of wisdom, guidance, advice and his no nonsense straight talking Engineering speak, where every discussion, was always handled with the efficiency of there are only 2 options here, as in his days of Engineering, there was never any grey area!! He always made me feel loved, safe and secure and not wanting for anything and I also knew that no matter where I was in the World, if I needed him,he would come to get me. 

Dad was always at one of his most happiest times, when he was left to his own devices in his sanctuary, otherwise known as the Engine shed or the garage, where he could happily dismantle, mend and repair or even fix anything that had the slightest essence of mechanics about it, be it wooden, metal, plastic or any other material-how my Mum put up with his love of his Car that he nurtured for 39 years, I do not know!! Having said all of that, I loved nothing more, than when I would phone or visit Mum and Dad, to listen to him explaining in great detail, how his MPG was dramatically reduced or improved and how he was going to start by stripping the engine to find out where the problem was. Irrespective of what was happening in his life, this would and did take total priority from the moment he woke to the moment he went to bed( even though he would still be thinking of what to do when he was meant to be sleeping).In fact, some of my fondest memories with Dad, go back to when I was about 6 or 7 and would be allowed to help him in the garage after tea,lying underneath the car with him and being allowed to pass spanners and wrenches before I was then instructed to go and ask Mum for a cup of Tea and biscuits for him.

It is going to be very difficult time for all of us to imagine him not being around and not being able to have him share in our lives and to let him know what we have been up to and discuss with him, his next project. Although you won't be with me in person Dad, you always  will be with me in Spirit and I will still hear your words of wisdom and remember your classic phrases and sayings and know that in my Heart, you can see what I am up to. I would like to pay tribute to you as follows:

You're a wheel , you're a wheel ,who can roll and can feel and you'll never stop turning

You're the sun, you're the sun, who can move and can run and you'll never stop burning

You're the day, you're the day and will show me the way and when I look, you're right beside me

You're my night and the light and will burn so bright to  always lift my spirits higher.

Love and miss you Dad xx