kalewis 23rd January 2019

Grandad Conrad, I don't have an earliest memory of you, because you've been with me for my whole life, from three hours old. You've seen me from baby, to first steps, to toddler. Through moving away from you and Grandma to the midlands (jumping on planks to flatten the new grass in the new house's back garden). Through my horrible teenager phase and slightly nicer teenager phase, through University, and graduation, and into my first job. Most of life is documented by you, in old VHS videos and then DVDs when those came into fashion. Thank You. Theres then tonnes of photos - which were pretty much always off guard, and if not, finally "satisfactory" after five minutes of posing and technical difficulties. I'm so glad I have all of these to look back on now, and I'm going to try to never complain about having photos taken again. I remember the biggest, strongest cuddles, and the "pushion of invisibility" to hide from scary parts in movies (that's toddler me's pronunciation of cushion, by the way). I'll miss coming to say good morning and good night whenever I saw you. And the best bear hugs. And I'll even miss you being grumpy, although I think if I've inherited anything from you, it's probably the grumpiness and stubbornness (but all you ever needed was a cuddle to fix it). I'll miss my emails from you. I'll miss my notes you put in with the photos that you would send me. I'll miss you signing off cards "xxxxxxxx *to the power of what ever age I was at the time*". I'll miss that I honestly think you could fix anything. Like the time I accidentally blew up my hairdryer after leaving it on American voltage ... it was in the bin, but you took it out after I'd gone home and totally fixed it!! I know Grandma always talked the most on the phone, but I'll miss you chiming in. Or shouting from where you'd walked back into the lounge because we were "talking nursing". My particular favourite phone moment was when you told me and Grandma that we needed to finish our conversation soon because you got charged after a certain time on the phone ... to which Grandma pointed out "but Conrad, Mark rang you...". Purely brilliant. I love that the last thing I said to you was that I loved you LOADS. I know how much you loved me, and few people will love me as unconditionally, or be as proud of me. I can't explain how much I love you, miss you, think of you, remember you, Always Yours, Katy XxxxxxxxxX